How to Take Care of Your Lips

Lips play a very noble role in our lives. Whether talking, eating, drinking, or smiling, lips get involved. In beauty talk, your lips' appearance becomes a measure of a person’s attractiveness. The connection between lips and beauty is more pronounced in women than in men. However, whether man or woman, nice lips are the desire of everyone. They deserve good care.
Here is a simple routine you can follow, the reasons behind it and the supportive evidence.
You need to know and do the following:
- Remove dead skin on your lips
- Hydrate your lips
- Master the do’s and don'ts in different seasons
- Learn about ingredients making up lip balms and how they function on your lips and use only the best
- Seek advice and information about your lips from reliable sources and professionals
Exfoliate (Removing dead skin on your lips)
Exfoliation is the removal of the dead cells on your lips. You can use a washcloth or a soft lip scrub. Gently rub your lips in circular motion until the dead flaking skin is removed. You can do this at least once or twice per week. This encourages the formation of new cells.
Hydrate (Adding moisture to your lips)
One of the basic routines is to practice the habit of drinking a minimum of 8 glasses of water per day. This helps your lips stay hydrated as they tend to get dried up easily due to the absence of oil glands on them.
Master the do’s and don'ts in different seasons
Lips tend to dry in extreme hot, cold or windy seasons.
In the winter season, lips tend to be chapped after losing water. Apply an appropriate lip balm to trap in the moisture.
Other than seasons, there are other habits to avoid to ensure your lips are smooth, hydrated and attractive. Avoid smoking. Smoking will cause wrinkles on your lips. Avoid breathing through your mouth, instead use your nose. Avoid licking your lips often as it makes your lips dry.
Learn about ingredients in lip balms and how they function on your lips and use only the best
There are many lip balms, lip glosses and lipstick products in the market. All of them have different formulations.
Some lip products contain fragrances and dyes from chemical ingredients in them. Avoid them since they contain chemicals which can irritate and even dry your lips.
Use lip balms and glosses from natural ingredients for your lips to get the nutritional benefit as well.
One such natural lip balm is Leovard’s Lip Luster. It contains not only Hyaluronic Acid in the right amount, but natural ingredients from organically grown plants. These include organic hemp seed oil, avocado oil and many more. It hydrates and soothes lips that are dry and cracked making them plumpier, fuller, smooth and attractive.
Seek advice and information about your lips from reliable sources and professionals
Your lips are so vital in your life. It’s therefore very important to seek advice and information from trusted sources and professionals.
Take Away
Take care of your lips and they’ll reveal the best you and the best in you. Observe a routine for taking care of your lips and use natural lip balms, lip glosses and Lip Luster for lip optimization.
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