Everything you need to know about a chemical peel

Everything you need to know about a chemical peel

Owing to its plethora of skin benefits, a chemical peel is easily the most requested service at any skin clinic. Skin care connoisseurs and enthusiasts can’t get enough of raving about this procedure and for good reason. Not only is a chemical peel a remarkable way of rejuvenating the skin, it helps remedy a host of stubborn skin problems such as discolouration, hyperpigmentation, early aging and even post acne scarring. It really goes in deep to target the specific issue and comes with the promise of radiant and flawless skin. 

But like with any procedure that involves the use of potent ingredients and chemicals there is downtime involved after a chemical peel and the skin requires time to heal and recuperate. And there are several tips and tricks you can incorporate in your post chemical peel care to minimize recovery time and get your skin in optimal condition as quickly as possible. 

So whether you’ve just gotten a chemical peel done and are looking up ways to expedite your healing journey or are planning to get one soon and want to equip yourself with all the information you need about the procedure and post care, keep on reading!

What is a chemical peel?

Also known as chemiexfoliation, chemical peels are a way of deeply exfoliating the skin. They are called chemical ‘peels’ because that is what literally happens; by going beneath the superficial layer, the procedure causes the dead skin layers to peel off, bringing newer, fresher and clearer skin to the surface. 

Amongst the benefits of a chemical peel are that it helps to stimulate the production of collagen, thereby promoting youthful skin. It also helps to combat conditions such as sun damaged skin, wrinkles, fine lines, and hyperpigmentation amongst others and is a great way to transform the skin that just doesn’t respond to your regular skin care efforts as this also makes the absorption of products more effective. 

There are three main types of chemical peels and an aesthetician can best decide which your skin needs. They include:

Superficial peels target the upper most layer known as the epidermal layer of skin.

Medium-depth peels target the whole epidermal layer as well as the deeper layer known as the upper dermal layer.

Deep peels target the epidermal, upper dermal and also the deep dermal layers of skin.

How to prepare for a chemical peel?

It’s important to go into the procedure with a little bit of prep work done for best results. While it is nowhere as invasive as a surgical procedure, it does involve a tad bit of discomfort before and after. But the transformative results make it worth it. 

The following are a few ways you can ensure a smooth sail through the sitting:

  • Don’t exfoliate just before the procedure. In fact, lay it off for at least a week.
  • Stop using anti-aging and acne medications as they can impact your skin tolerance to the peel.

  • Keep the skin hydrated. Drink plenty of fluids before and on the day.
  • Don’t get the peel near a special day. Your skin needs time to heal and unless you want to go in all red and blotchy, get it a couple of weeks before your big day. 

What to expect during a chemical peel?

If you’re getting your peel done from a trained and certified aesthetician (which you should), you can rest assured that you’re in good hands, and the likelihood of something going wrong is quite low.

The procedure takes no more than an hour, and it’s quite common for your skin to slightly itch or tingle. This is due to the chemical being applied and is completely normal. Your skin’s temperature may also change slightly, and it may feel hot or cold. Tightness of the skin during the procedure is also normal and nothing of concern. 

What to expect after a chemical peel?

The first areas to peel are usually around the nose and mouth. Apart from the expected peeling of the skin, it’s also likely that your skin will experience some amount of redness, sensitivity and flaking. The peeling usually begins on the 3rd or 4th day and may last for 7-10 day.

The skin may also become rough, patchy or darkened a few days after the procedure but that too will resolve itself within a few days. If the skin is inflamed or irritated excessively, the practitioner may prescribe a hydrocortisone.

How to care for your skin post peel?

  • You may use a cold compress gently to help with post peel burning or irritation.
  • Try to stay out of the sun and don’t skip sunscreen even while indoors.
  • Avoid strenuous exercise for 3-4 days.
  • Avoid activities that cause excessive sweating.
  • Don’t use acidic products such as AHAs, BHAs and retinol for two weeks.
  • Don’t peel, pick, tweeze or wax for 3-4 weeks.
  • Don’t dye your hair until after 3 weeks of your chemical peel.
  • Use a calming, nourishing moisturizer to keep your skin hydrated. (We recommend the Leovard Multicream which is extra lightweight and gentle.)


Summing up, a chemical peel is not only a great way to transform the skin but can also help rectify several skin problems, giving you radiant and youthful skin. 

However, it’s important to go into the procedure with all the information you can gather to be able to help your skin heal and recuperate as quickly as possible.

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